Responsive web design (based on Bootstrap), front-end development and graphic design for BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) Macedonia and USAID Macedonia, for the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database of publicly available information about the state subsidies in the Republic of Macedonia, within the period of 2010 to 2014.
Designed to enable simple and quick browsing through the available information, the website includes many graphical visualizations (powered by Google Charts), as well as advanced filtering options for additional data analysis.
The Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database homepage
The Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database homepage with a visible select list
The Vegetable Production page of the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database
The Tobacco subsidies page of the The Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database
The subsidies by company page of the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database
The mixed data group results page of the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database
The How to Use page of the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database
The Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database homepage as seen on a small screen
The Vegetable Production page of the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database, as seen on a small screen
Promotional image for the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database, for social media posts
990×80 px banner for the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database
Leaderboard (728×90 px) banner for the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database
Rectangular (300×250 px) banner for the Subsidies for Vegetable and Livestock Production (“Субвенции за растително и сточарско производство“) database